I am a practising strategy consultant (the day job) and a computer scientist (currently an Associate of the Faculty of Science at the University of Bristol, UK). I am a non-exec director for two amazing charities (IT Schools Africa and Caring for Communities and People, both based in Cheltenham, UK). I’m also on the ‘Societal Impact of IT’ advisory board of the British Computer Society.

Here is a list of my current and past engagements:

Current consultancy assignments

Strategy Lead on $1bn Digital Transformation programme for the UK government

Strategic Advisor on AI and Digital Transformation for $10bn multinational

Current research projects

Architectures for Causal AI, Explainable AI, Robust AI

Benchmarking an organisation’s cognitive advantage trajectory

AI as a ‘thought partner’ significantly expanding a human’s cognitive capabilities

Enterprise architectures for undertaking AI at scale to leverage a cognitive advantage

Past consultancy assignments

Strategy Lead for a world-leading Engineering division of major communications organisation

Innovation Lead for Data Engineering and Data Analysis division

Past research projects

Computer simulation of a million+ agent based model of interacting objects to investigate the formation of self-organising systems (PhD thesis)

A genetic algorithm implementation of the travelling salesman problem applied to the minimum travel time to visit all London Underground tube stations (MRes project)

Genetic algorithm implementation for general optimisation tasks (BSc dissertation)

Optimisation of a large-scale, city wide automated vehicle environment route planning using a simulated diffusion algorithm (Santa Fe Institute assignment)

Micromachine solid oxide fuel cells (MSc thesis)

Simulated diffusion of chemical molecules through nanoscale biological shell structures (MRes project)

Programming Languages

Python, Matlab, C++, Javascript, LISP, 8086 assembler (not used in a while)

Software Tools and Libraries

Tensorflow, SciKit, Keras, Sagemaker Suite, PyTorch (just starting out)